Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Diabetes Debacle

Yesterday I had a meltdown and cried at the lab when I arrived for my 3-hour glucose test. I got my way because of it and I don't feel bad in the least.

I flew back from Miami in the morning and called the lab when I landed. I asked if I could come in for the test at 11:30 and they said that's fine. Fast forward to 11:30 -- it had been 12 hours since I'd eaten and I was operating on 4 hours of sleep. I had just trekked across the city on a train, a bus, and another train to get there. I arrived at the lab, waited 30 minutes, and was then told they don't do 3-hour tests that late in the day so I would have to come back tomorrow. Apparently they don't want pregnant women fasting for that long during waking hours. OH HELLS NO.

Cue hyperventilating and tears. I thew a bunch of logic at her too, like the fact that I had ALREADY fasted so it would be worse to make a pregnant woman fast for that long two days in a row. But I'm pretty sure it was the tears that got her to call her supervisor. A few minutes later, I had a refreshing sugar-loaded drink in my hand and I gulped it down before they could change their minds.

Lab protocol: 0
Cranky pregnant lady: 1

The waiting wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. I didn't feel nauseous at all, and the tired/shaky feeling was just as likely due to my lack of sleep as to the sugar. I believe that years of practice consuming entire pies by myself in one sitting prepared me for this experience. Coming down from it later that evening was a trip, though. I had to take a nap and when I woke up it felt like I had a killer hangover.

The nurse from my OB's office called me today to give me my results. This time I had the presence of mind to ask for my actual numbers.
Fasting: 72 (95 is passing)
Hour 1: 160 (180 is passing)
Hour 2: 161 (155 is passing... how did I go up??)
Hour 3: 118 (140 is passing)

Apparently three out of four ain't bad, and they declared I officially do not have gestational diabetes! Huzzah! I'm still waiting for my celebratory pie.

(For anyone interested in practical information about gestational diabetes, I found this blog post to be very helpful:

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Mmm, mmm glucose!

Last week I finally finished school and I went in for my 1-hour glucose test before packing up my classroom. The sugary orange drink wasn't nearly as bad as I'd feared, and the sugar rush actually made me feel great! (Until the big sugar drop later that afternoon, but chocolate fixed that.)

The nurse from Dr. B's office called me back on Monday and explained that I had failed the test. She didn't say what my number was, and I didn't know enough to ask at the time. Personally I think there must have been a mistake, as I am generally the KING of anything related to sugar. Baking with sugar? No problem. Eating sugary things? I have no equal. Regulating blood sugar? Er, apparently I need to work on that.

After my initial panic that this may cause problems for my vacation to Miami, the nurse assured me I could eat as usual during my trip and do the follow-up 3-hour glucose test the day I get back (July 9th). Little does she know what "eat as usual" means...

I didn't anticipate that the personal-trainer friend we're staying with is glucose-free and stocks her fridge with nothing but fruit and quinoa. Please someone come bring me a giant piece of blueberry pie with ice cream while I'm still allowed to eat it!!!

So here I am in Miami, 27 weeks pregnant, doing aqua-fitness and eating healthy. Fingers crossed that next week I find out the glucose results were a fluke so I can go back to my sedentary pig-like ways.