Tuesday, August 20, 2013

34 Weeks

Last week my doctor sent me for an ultrasound because she was mildly concerned that my belly was measuring small. Dr. B seems to think an ultrasound is the answer to everything, and I'm perfectly happy with that as it means I've gotten to see my little one six times so far this pregnancy! So as of Friday, Raeyn Drop was 4.9 lbs and in the 45% percentile. Everything looked great!

Due to a mess up with human resources, I unexpectedly had to go back to work this week. I thought I was taking the whole year off, but apparently I'm required to start the school year and work until September 16th. As a result, I will not have much time to finish getting everything ready for the baby. Fortunately, I was able to get the nursery mostly finished last week. The lesser priorities may have to wait until my leave officially begins. Hopefully the baby doesn't come too early so I still have time to finish everything!

Here's my outstanding to do list (or at least what I can think of right now):

  • Organize nursery closet
  • Hem curtains
  • Nursery artwork
  • Make a mobile
  • Pack hospital bag
  • Install car seat
  • Figure out baby monitor
  • Buy outstanding registry items
  • Buy diapers

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry about the mix up with HR but you look adorable. The nursery is really coming along. =)
