Friday, May 17, 2013

20 weeks and then some

Earlier this week I hit 20 weeks and we finally got to find out if we're having a boy or a girl! T was able to take time off work to come to my back-to-back appointments, which was wonderful.

After waiting 55 minutes (45 minutes after my appointment start time), we were sent in and got to see little raeyn drop on the monitor. The ultrasound techs were super nice, but the whole time they were sitting there talking about the brain and the kidneys I was laying there wishing they would move a little lower! After about half an hour of poking and prodding baby to wake up, they finally told me it's a girl! Another 20 minutes later and we were done. They printed out a few photos for us, but T still has them somewhere. One of the photos highlights our baby girl's labia, and T has decided to hang onto it for embarrassment purposes when she starts to date.

Everything throughout the scan looked great. Heartbeat was 157. They finally gave me the results from my sequential screening and said it all was normal. Just a 1 in 10,000 chance of the major concerns. The only issue was that the placenta was very low and partially covering my cervix. Since it's fairly likely this will resolve itself, I'm just thinking of it as a reason to see my little girl again in four weeks. On the off-chance it doesn't move I would need a c-section, but I'll worry about that waaaay down the road if needed.

Here's my obligatory 3-week bump pic (since every three weeks is about all I can handle) in front of our awesome new house:

And because I love this man madly and he makes me smile every day:

We sent these photos to our parents. T's dad remarked that he looks more pregnant but I will be the better mom. I can't disagree. :P


  1. Love, Love, Love the hubby pic!

  2. Those pics are hilarious! Congrats on team pink!

  3. Can't believe you're already half baked! Miss you :D

  4. Thanks ladies! Miss you guys!!
