Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Hiccups and cramps, oh my!

I had my 24 week ultrasound appointment yesterday to check if the marginal previa had resolved itself. It had, and everything looked great! Heartbeat was 157 and baby was weighing 1lb 5 oz, both of which are right on track.

During the ultrasound, we saw the baby hiccup on the screen. At the exact same time I felt it and realized that's what I've been feeling the whole time! Apparently our baby is the one person on the planet who gets the hiccups more than I do. :P

Following the ultrasound, I had a regular OB appointment. As the doctor was about to turn on the doppler, she looked at my belly and noticed that I was having a contraction! Apparently the cramps I've been feeling when I walk a lot or bend down have been contractions too. Oops! She just wants me to pay attention to them and call if I start having more than 10 a day or if there's any sort of persistent pattern to them. It hasn't been happening that frequently, so we are not concerned right now.

I leave you with a picture of the baby yawning. Apparently we were boring her.


  1. Ahhhhhh the yawn! I can't believe they caught that on a picture!

  2. So adorable. Miss you! Post more so we can stalk you ;)
