Saturday, February 23, 2013

All Is Well

So... J reminded me that I haven't updated since my ultrasound. I keep forgetting that some people actually read this thing. Sorry!

Fortunately everything is fine. Baby looked healthy and had made the right amount of growth. They couldn't find the source of the bleed but said I have nothing to worry about. My progesterone came back high, so I'm good there too. Phew!

Here is the new pic of our little raeyn drop. Apparently there is a discernible head now, though it still just looks like a blurry blob to me.

Since I had to miss a team meeting for this, I ended up telling my boss on Thursday morning. It wasn't the ideal time or place since we only had two minutes to talk, but I wanted her to know I had a good reason for skipping out early. I'm now kind of in a weird place where I don't really care about keeping it a secret anymore but don't know if it's appropriate to let it be public knowledge. I've told five people at work, which I feel like might be too many to ensure it stays contained. Should I let it go and be honest when people bring it up? Or wait until I get the chance to really talk with my principal about what she wants me to do (which might not be for a couple months)?


  1. I was thinking about you! Glad little raeyn drop is doing well!

  2. Glad everything is okay with baby! I would probably go ahead and talk to your principal. If enough people know you'd probably want them to hear it from you rather than the grapevine. Keep the updates coming :D

    1. Honestly, if it were up to me I'd leave it to the grapevine. I have no desire to announce, I just don't want to hide it anymore.

      Though I probably will send an email soon to a colleague who has been trying for many years. I'd hate for her to be blindsided in the middle of the school day and have to put on a brave/congratulatory face.

  3. THANK GOD you posted this. I was about to hop a plane to Chitown to find out. I've been stalking you EVERWHERE. My prayers clearly worked. <3 you!

    1. Dammit, if I'd known it was that easy to get you to visit I wouldn't have updated!

  4. <3 LOVE this. Love little Raeyn Drop!

  5. <3 Glad to hear everything is okay! And you need to blog more!
