Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Yesterday I started spotting. Dr. B told me to call if there was any bleeding, so I've spent the last 24 hours playing phone tag with the nurse from her office. I honestly was expecting them to say I need to chill out and wait for my next appointment three weeks from now. I know it's not uncommon to have spotting in the first trimester, and I figured I was overreacting.

Through a series of voice mail messages today, the nurse told me Dr. B wants me in right away for another ultrasound and progesterone testing. On one hand I'm really happy that she is taking it seriously and being proactive; on the other hand, having the doctor validate my concerns with immediate action has just tripled my anxiety about it.


  1. You'll be in my thoughts as well. FX that it's nothing to worry about.

  2. Sending tons of good thoughts your way.

  3. Spotting sucks. I spotted for a while, but everything was fine. Gives you another excuse to see the bebe! Thinking of you!

  4. Thinking of you and praying for you! <3 you lady!
