Thursday, January 3, 2013

Reuinited with my BBT

I kept saying that I was planning to resume temping on January 1st after coming back from vacation, and I really did intend to follow through on that. I even brought my trusty Mabis with me to the farm just in case something inspired me to wake up at 5AM, but I didn't touch it the whole trip. When I returned, I could not for the life of me find it! I searched all our luggage, to no avail. But tonight when I was just seconds away from clicking "buy" on Amazon to get a new one, I found it! Huzzah!

Tomorrow is CD12 and the earliest I've ovulated was CD16, so I suspect I'll still be able to get cross-hairs on my chart. Time to get back to the old routine, I guess.


  1. I'm having a love/hate relationship with my thermometer this cycle. Glad you're getting back in the routine. Makes it easier for me to chart stalk you ;)

    1. Haha, yes. I hereby apologize to any loyal stalkers for giving you nothing but "coughing" and "nausea" to stare at all week!

    2. And what's up with interrupted sleep all the time? Do you ever get a good night's sleep, ma'am? (sorry, I obviously am a dirty chart stalker)

    3. Haha, generally not. I created a line for interrupted sleep so I wouldn't have to check "sleep deprived" every day and have nothing but open circles. Interrupted sleep means I did not have three straight hours of sleep before temping.
