Saturday, January 19, 2013

Whaaaa? Raeyn's pregnant?!

Cue overwhelming shock and awe, as I'm sure this comes as such a surprise!


As many of you know, I got pneumonia last October and haven't been quite right since. Over the last week or so my cough has gotten bad again, so I tested at an embarrasing 8 DPO just so I could feel comfortable taking medicine. BFN. Tested again at 9 DPO, 'cause, well, I was on a roll and I have tests to waste. BFN.

That night, I barely slept because of my coughing. When I did sleep, I had an intense dream that I woke up and got a very faint line. Then I woke up and maybe sorta got a very faint line. I take this as hard proof that I have developed magic powers.

Here are the tests I took later that night and the next morning:

10 DPO, 6 PM
11 DPO, 9 AM

What We Did

This was our 10th month/cycle trying, but 7th with decent timing. I temped, used OPKs, and drank green tea when I remembered. This was the first cycle that I temped vaginally, so I attributed my pretty chart to that.

On O-2, O-1, and O+1 we used preseed and did a little of this:

Then DH argued that we'd only had sex three times and that couldn't possibly be good enough. I rolled my eyes and complained a bunch.


I have a million symptoms, but I'm not convinced any of them are pregnancy-related. The only relevant difference was my lack of spotting. Usually I have a 10-day LP with spotting for 1-3 days before my period. I didn't think too much of it, since I have had cycles in the past when I didn't spot. Curly, however, thought this was a big deal -- and dammit, the bish was right!

How I Told DH

DH was away on a business trip all week, and he was expected to get home last night around midnight. If I'd tested positive earlier in the week I probably would have just told him on the phone; but since I got my BFP the day he was coming home, I waited.

I was going to make a little sign that said "big brother" and tie it around hoverpup's neck before I went to bed, knowing he would run and jump up on DH as soon as he came in the door. However, I was way too excited to go to sleep before he got home, so I just stayed up and told him as soon as he came in the door. Hugging ensued.


I cannot possibly express in words how much the Bump community has meant to me. You guys are amazing and I am so glad to have gotten to know many of you! I will leave you with this card, which I feel appropriately sums it up:


  1. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! yay! I am so flippin' stoked for you! I have been watching your blog and I'm doing a little happy dance right now. Congrats! So happy for you. - Charmed.

  2. RAEYN! I'm so freakin' happy for you --- and pretty excited you figured out how to make gifs ;) Congratulations!

  3. I seriously love this :) Congrats! RAWR!

  4. Yeaaaaaah! Congrats lady :D And I love, love, love this post. ((((hugs)))

  5. Congratulations again! I love your homemade gif, btw. :)

  6. (This is stufie from TB). So excited for you!! Also loving the gif. Congrats lady!

  7. Congrats!!! (Comeongetdown from TB) I'm super excited for you! :)

  8. Yay yay yaaaaaaaay! Huge congrats, chica! Super cute post too! :)
