Friday, January 25, 2013

Spreading the News

All week long we've been waiting with baited breath to tell our parents. I didn't want to call them last weekend just in case the baby didn't stick, but this morning I temped and took another test and it was positive as positive can be. If anything happens at this point, we would want them to know anyway.

I ordered a pair of baby shoes (why do babies even have shoes?) and they arrived today, so I came home from work early to take this photo to share with our family:

Our plan was to call them, and once we got them on the line we would send the photo and ask them to check their email.

We talked to T's mom first, then left a voice mail for my parents and called my sister. She's always had a talent for ruining surprises, so as soon as I said to check her email she asked, "Is it going to tell me you're pregnant?" Despite the epic anticlimax, she was really happy for us.

My mom face-timed us shortly after, and her reaction was adorable. She was so happy and excited for us. My dad pretended he'd already seen the photo on my father-in-law's Facebook page, just to mess with us.

We are both so happy that it's no longer a complete secret. While we're still not planning to tell my boss until March, it's nice to know we don't have to hide our insane excitement from our family anymore!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks lady! I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, given that it was a last minute thing.

  2. Love this! How adorable you got the pup in it too. :D

    1. Mohawk pretty much always gets to be a part of everything. :P He's going to be very disappointed to find out he's not #1 anymore after the baby is born!

  3. Awww! I love this! Super cute picture. :)

  4. This is such a cute picture! It was such a relief after we told our parents :)
    (comeongetdown from TB)

  5. Yeah for telling people! I haven't yet! I haven't tested in over a week either. I'm scared to.

    1. I haven't tested for a week either. I'm terrified that the line won't be as dark as last time and I'll convince myself of the worst even though logically I know different tests have different amounts of dye.

      When do you think you might tell your family?

    2. I have an ultrasound on the 7th & I think it will depend on how that goes.
      My sister is pregnant and has baby showers at the end of this month and beginning of next month and I don't want to take away attention from her either.
      Aah I don't know! I saw my parents ysterday and dropped it into conversation that I am on a medicine for low hormones (which is totally true; progesterone) and that I don't know how long I will be on it, so that if I do have pregnancy symptoms I can blame it on that. :)

  6. I love it. So cute, especially with the pup in the picture. So glad you were able to tell your family and get out some of that awesome pregnancy excitement. So extrememly happy for you! <3
